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The "How Psychic Are You?" Quiz
There are 24 questions. Answer each question with the option that best describes your personal experience, or that comes closest to how you feel or act. Write down how many a's, b's, c's and d's you answer. Only choose one answer per question.
1. Have you ever had a "gut feeling" about something or just knew something that turned out to be true?
a) No, never
b) Occasionally
c) Yes, on a regular basis
d) Yes, very often or always
2. How often do you have vivid dreams that later come true?
a) Never
b) On rare occasions
c) Sometimes
d) Often or regularly
3. Do you feel like you know what someone is going to say before they say it?
a) No, never
b) Sometimes
c) Yes, often
d) Yes, all the time
4. Do you ever have a sense that something is going to happen before it does?
a) No, never
b) Sometimes
c) Yes, often
d) Yes, all the time
5. Have you ever had a feeling of being able to communicate with deceased loved ones or feeling their presence around you?
a) No, never
b) Sometimes
c) Yes, often
d) Yes, all the time
6. Have you ever experienced a moment of Deja vu, as if you had lived a moment or experience before?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, regularly
7. Have you ever felt you could communicate with an animal or understood what it was trying to tell you?
a) No, never
b) On rare occasions
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, frequently
8. Do you ever feel like you are receiving messages from a Higher Power or from the Spiritual Realm?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
9. Can you feel the emotions of others even if they don't express them?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
10. Have you ever experienced synchronicity, such as thinking of someone and then running into them unexpectedly?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
11. Do you ever know or can sense who is calling before looking at the caller ID?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
12. Have you ever seen a deceased person/spirit/ghost or had a paranormal experience?
a) No, never
b) It's happened once
c) Yes, it's happened a few times
d) Yes, often
13. Can you sense the energy of a person or a place when you think about them?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
14. Have you ever felt the surge of emotions or energy of the people when entering a room?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
15. Have you experienced a strong sensation that you should avoid a particular situation or person?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
16. Have you ever experienced telepathy, such as knowing what a person is thinking without them telling you that turned out to be true?
a) No, never
b) On a rare occasion or two
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
17. Can you tell whether someone has good or bad intentions towards you- whether just knowing or feeling it?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
18. Have you had a vision or received a message during meditation or prayer that brought you peace?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
19. Do you ever get a sense of someone's personality before you meet them that turns out to be true?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
20. Have you ever experienced a sudden chill or sense of warmth without a physical explanation or while thinking of a loved one or during meditation or prayer?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
21. Would you say you feel like you have a real and personal connection to God or a Higher Power?
a) No, not at all
b) It's happened before but it was rare
c) Yes, I do but wish I felt it more often
d) Yes, I do and it is my constant reality
22. Can you sense whether someone is lying to you?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or always
23. Do you ever get a sudden thought of inspiration or idea "out of thin air", especially when you're not thinking about it (such as while driving, having a shower, etc)?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
24. Have you heard an answer to a question in your thoughts or seen it in your mind's eye, that you believe was not your own?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, often or frequently
Calculate Your Score:
Add up the numbers corresponding to your answers (a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4) for all 24 questions. The higher your score, the more psychic you currently are.
Score Range of 24-33 - You are not very psychic at the moment, but with dedication and time you can learn to be.
Score Range of 34-43 - You are a bit psychic, but this tends to come and go. With practice, you can learn to be psychic.
Score Range of 44-53 - You are moderately psychic and have a good connection to your intuition. You may find it easier to use psychic tools, such as tarot cards. You are currently gifted and with practice can become a spirit-led psychic.
Score Range of 54+ - You are already a gifted psychic!
p.s. This is not meant to be definitive. I firmly believe that everyone was born psychic, and it is a matter of becoming psychic again.
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